Personality Definitions
There are 8 different genetic personality types based on the genes we test. You can check out the definitions found on the shirts right here!

The guardian is compassionate and generous, ready and willing to stand up and fight for those in need.

Professor Genes
The professor follows the truth, committed to learning and sharing that knowledge with all humankind.

Artist Genes
The artist is attuned to their world, enjoying life’s pleasures and passionately pursuing their desires.

Explorer Genes
The explorer endeavors to travel the world, cultivating new experiences to continually grow and learn.

Visionary Genes
The visionary has high ideals and aspirations, knowing that with hard work they can make a difference.

Director Genes
The director knows how to get things done, digging deep and rallying others to join their noble cause.

Inventor Genes
The inventor is a catalyst of change, using their expertise to transform ideas and dreams into realities.

Warrior Genes
The warrior is tough and courageous, determined to achieve their goals even when the road is rough.