instant chemistry

Relationship Advice
to Keep Your Love Strong

Instant Chemistry uses Biology
and Psychology
to Give You Relationship Advice
Targeted to Your Unique Relationship

relationship advice

With advancements in relationship science, DNA can be used to provide relationship advice to help you and your partner reach your couple goals. Instant Chemistry has developed a scientific relationship compatibility test for assessing relationship compatibility.  It is based on scientific principles using a combination of genetics and psychology. We now have a deeper understanding of what makes relationships successful and are continuing to learn more every day. This research has come from academic institutions around the world and has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals.

Our genetic and psychological tests allow you to analyze your compatibility with your partner in the privacy of our own home.  Your personalized results give you insights into how your relationship ticks and where strengths and weaknesses may lie.  Tips from our clinical psychologist give you relationship advice to keep your intimate relationship going strong. Go ahead and learn about your relationship to help it grow.


Instant Chemistry provides you with a love manual which accompanies your genetic and psychological results.  It’s a really in-depth booklet, meant to turn your DNA result into a meaningful and useful tool to provide relationship advice to help your relationship grow.  It’s a 27 page report which breaks down both your personal results and your compatibility results. Here we show you what to expect when you receive your very own love manual.


Your love manual  is broken down into two sections.  The first section is all about you and your personal results.   

The first result you see is your immune system (HLA) results.  An explanation is given as to what these immune system genes are and why they are important to provide you with relationship advice in the couples section of your love manual. 

Next you see an overview of your personality genes.  This includes genes known to influence emotional involvement, empathy, stress response and risk taking behaviors.  You’ll read about why we tested each gene, what each gene is and how the different variations of the gene can affect you differently. For each gene, your own personal result is accompanied by an explanation of how this gene variant can affect your life.   

Your psychological result explains behavioral patterns in four different areas of well-researched dimensions of relationships.  It explains how lean towards dominance, social, intimacy and how submissive you tend to be.  The results give insights into what your needs are from a relationship.

Your personal results is really a self-reflection piece to gain a deeper understanding of what you bring to your relationship. Having a deeper understanding of yourself is essential to reaching your couple goals.


The second half of the love manual is all about your relationship.  You receive a certificate of compatibility and an overview of your compatibility results.  In the following pages, each compatibility result is broken down into their individual parts with relationship advice for that component of your relationship.

The biocompatibility section covers how your immune system (HLA) genes mesh with your partner and affect the most intimate aspect of your relationship, physical attraction.  The love manual goes through an explanation of physical attraction and how to interpret your result in the context of your relationship.  Ways to nurture physical attraction are offered as relationship advice to target your intimate relationship.

For each of the personality genes, you receive a score based on the gene variants that you and your partner carry.  A write-up for each gene describes how the genes that you and your partner carry can affect your relationship. 


Relationship advice is given to either nurture how those genes strengthen your relationship or reduce challenges that those gene combinations can create.  Knowing these genetic results can really help you define and achieve couple goals.  You begin to understand your partner from a new perspective.  You also learn how your inner strengths can be used to help your relationship stay strong through thick and thin, because every intimate relationship has it challenges.

Your psychological compatibility result gives insight into more complex aspects of your behavior not easily defined by genetics.  It discusses what dimensions of your relationship need more attention, willingness to compromise and more understanding.  For those areas it provides relationship advice to help create that compromise and understanding.    

Your Love Manual.  Your 

Relationship Advice Roadmap to a Successful Intimate Relationship

The love manual is a comprehensive report, touching on your intimate relationship, personality traits and complex behaviors, all with the goal of keeping your relationship strong.  There’s no “fail” on this assessment.  The relationship advice provided is only to nurture your relationship and help it grow, because we know every intimate relationship is different and built on its’ own strengths and weaknesses.  The love manual gives you a real ability to achieve your couple goals in ways that could never be found through online quizzes and questionnaires.  It helps you bond with your partner in a highly intimate way you could never before know and your relationship becomes stronger for it.

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