

A look inside Instant Chemistry's book - The Love Manual: Making and Keeping a Connection.  This book explains your DNA results in an easy-to-understand and meaningful way through anecdotal stories with a psychological perspective.  This book is meant to provide meaningful information for your relationship.

Psychology Test Meets Modern Day Matchmaking

You’ve met someone and there’s an initial attraction. Your date is not a loser, not a bad person, not a psycho, or a user. Whew, all the run-don’t-walk-away signs are absent.   You’ve taken endless compatibility and psychology tests but the dejavu is ringing true again.  You’ve practically worn down the path of great beginnings. It starts off well and then there are those private thoughts that start creeping in: Really? I don’t like that at all! That makes me uncomfortable. I’m not sure that would work for me. It’s not the fit I thought it was…

Instant Chemistry makes DNA Analysis Meaningful for Couples

With the rise of social media and hundreds of cool new social, mobile dating apps, relationships are constantly put to the test. In order for your relationship to survive in this modern day world, you need to have a strong foundation. It’s important for couples to understand and appreciate the dynamics of their relationship in order to appreciate its value and whether to make an investment into its success. A big reason for relationship breakdown is a lack of understanding and communication between couples.
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